The Network is a conspiracy of hackers that will take control of the world through the Internet. The Discordians worship Eris, the Greek goddess of discord, and win by gathering enough eccentrics and weirdos together to throw the world into disarray. The Cult of Cthulhu just wants to destroy everything to prepare the world for the coming of their master.
The Society of Assassins are Exactly What It Says on the Tin, and win by neutralizing their competition.The Gnomes of Zurich are a conspiracy of bankers who win thanks to their ability to amass money and funnel it wherever they want.The Bavarian Illuminati are the traditional Illuminati group, who are designed to win through brute force conquest.Ancient Conspiracy: There's a nice amount of them.They provide special bonuses, and count towards the number of groups you need to win the game. Ancient Artifact: Several, including the Shroud of Turin and the Holy Grail.
Affectionate Parody: Of conspiracy theories (and, to a lesser extent, conspiracy theorists themselves). SJG also made an expansion for the Role-Playing Game GURPS with the same name, which won the Origins award for best role-playing game supplement in 1993.Ī Digital version of the game released on Steam on Dec 27, 2022. It was inspired by the Illuminatus! trilogy and the game's official website is here. Over the years it has been offered in both fixed-set and collectable versions, while a licensed play-by-email version of the game is run by Flying Buffalo. Every different organization has its own goal and powers, with the ultimate plan of being the only secret society left. The twist? You're one of those societies, and so are the other players. In this game, there are secret societies trying to take control of the the world and its residents. Illuminati: The Game of Conspiracy is a Card Game created by Steve Jackson Games (also known for their game Munchkin). Secret conspiracies are everywhere, and where can you find the only truth? Certainly not in the game of Illuminati.